Thursday, September 16, 2010


a place to sit.
as you can see from the unfinished walls and lack of framing
this room is not done.

but it is an improvement over the last few days.

and even though the dry wall guys are coming back
tomorrow to sand, i just had to get this room
somewhat set up.

i couldn't take it anymore.

so, i will have a night of semi-comfort in our
sitting room and then move everything to the opposite
wall before i go to bed, so the worker-bee's
can finish up tomorrow.

you can see the doorway that was
patched up in the far right corner.

do you notice our "oops?"

we totally failed to move the light switch! it was once in an
appropriate spot, beside the door as you walked into the room.
now? it's in the middle of the wall.
it's gonna have to stay there because i really need
to start putting this house together!

i'll just consider it a design annoyance challenge.

it's a small space and i love it.
it is very cozy and i love my furniture so
much more here than i did in our last home.

this is my blog spot.

i love the view from this spot. i look into the room (once two rooms) where our wall
came down and through one of the entrances into the
kitchen. i can see my homemade island, a white chandy, and my drop cloth curtains.
it makes me smile.

after the guys finish up in this room and the big room tomorrow the painting will begin.
can't wait to get my white backdrop in here and start accessorizing!

but before that, pastor j and i are heading out to enjoy a weekend in the
mountains where we will enjoy bluegrass music o'plenty (and maybe a little antiquing/junking/thrifting for me) while the boys hang out
with some of my dear friends and their nonnie and papa.

hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. I hope you have a blessed weekend with your hubby!

  2. So exciting! I can't wait to see it when you get done.

  3. Hi Stacy,
    I stumbled on your blog today. I was attracted to your painting. I am currently in the process of painting all my dining room furniture with the distressed look. It was red and I'm changing it to white with the red showing through. If you have any suggestions for me they are welcomed.
